22nd August 2024
Today the Cardon Banfield Foundation announces our founding volunteer and Chief Operating Officer Sophie Rieckmann is leaving. Sophie has been instrumental in creating our strategy, hiring volunteers and leading our research and policy team. Bringing in her expertise of research and social awareness, the Foundation would not be a mark of what it is today.
Sophie says:
"After more than three years with the Cardon Banfield Foundation, it has come time for me to bid farewell to this superb initiative and its many wonderful volunteers. I have had the privilege of seeing the Foundation grow from Hugo's fledgling idea into an organisation with a voice loud enough to be heard - and taken seriously - by both local and national government.
The Foundation has been through several iterations as we have learnt and grown over the years, and it has been a pleasure to see that every step of the way has produced new insights and innovations with regards to how we may best respond to the issue of homelessness in the UK.
As I step down, I am pleased to say that my shoes are being filled by Moybul Ali, himself a bright, passionate and experienced professional with personal experience of homelessness. To have two members of leadership in the organisation with lived experience of the issue at hand will surely be invaluable in improving the work of the Foundation as a whole and increasingly representing the experiences of those who have been, or are, homeless in the work of the Foundation.
I am so proud of what has been accomplished over these past three plus years by all volunteers, both past and present, and leave with full confidence in the team to continue to reach new heights and positively impact peoples' lives around the UK."
Our Founder and CEO Hugo Sugg says
"Sophie's dedication, leadership and passion has been incredible to see and it has been the utmost privilege to work with her. The team Sophie helped build and manage saw the Foundation do some of its best and most innovate work! Whilst it is sad, Sophie can be immensely proud to leave the organisation with the strength that has been built solely because of her work.
I'd like to pay specific tribute to Sophie's personal growth - from coming on board with little knowledge about homelessness to leaving nearly 4 years later with her mark etched on the national response to homelessness across the UK. Over the years, Sophie has been a trusting and compassionate partner - helping develop our strategy, standing in for me when I've been away, liaising with organisations on the Foundation's behalf and building the trust of not just her team but the Trustees and other volunteers.
I know Sophie will go on to do incredible work in her field, making a positive difference to lives across the world. I wish you the utmost of luck going forward and I'll be willing you on whenever and however I can!"
On behalf of the whole organisation, thank you Sophie and we will miss you!
You will hear more from Moybul soon!